
Embracing The Power of Thinking Big

Embracing the power of thinking bigHave you heard the catchphrase “Embracing the Power of Thinking Big”? Such phrases are popular and people throw around inspiring words in motivational readings, and in social media posts like they are a dime a dozen. Mindset and manifestation are the latest trend.

But perhaps people have finally caught up to the importance of mindset to get what you want.

Bob Proctor was one of the earliest and best know “prosperity teachers” and he lived exactly has he taught.

What can taking control of your mindset and envisioning your future do for you? Does a strong mental game have the power to change your entire life? I would say yes, it does.

There is a common phrase. “Think big to get big.” This means that if your mindset and mentality are open to achieving big things your chances of achieving them are greater. There are many tools to help you embrace this mentality.  Here are some useful steps to take.

Steps To Success

  • Write down your goals
  • Create a vision board
  • Share your ambitions with trusted friends or colleagues
  • Do your research – make a plan
  • Revise, re-evaluate and measure progress

Making a list of goals and ambitions in your life that are important will likely put the idea in the forefront of your mind. Thinking about goals you want to reach is only the beginning though. Make a list of goals. Prioritize the list. Check off the most important goals on your list. Choose one to work toward.

Let’s Get S.M.A.R.T

When making an action plan to reach a goal get S.M.A.R.T. This acronym stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time Sensitive

If you focus on each of these areas you are sure to create a realistic plan for success. Making the goal something you can actually achieve helps increase your odds of success. Also, setting a specific and time-sensitive goal helps you focus on what you really want and keep you on track with dates and deadlines.

You Must Believe

Changing your mentality to ‘thinking big’ does not happen overnight. Change takes time. Treat a change of mindset like a diet change. Make gradual changes and celebrate successes and you will be on track to turn these changes into habits. Your biggest challenge may be staying on track when you feel your progress is too slow. Keep believing and moving forward. Staying positive is important.

Support Systems

Having a supportive group around you makes keeping a proactive mindset easy, even on days when your resolve is weak. A positive environment strengthens you for the journey to reach your goals and change your mindset.

An accountability partner or group may be just the thing. This very well may not be a family member and that’s OK. Find the people who understand what you plan on achieving and who will support you every step of the way.

Don’t wait until life is perfect. Life gets messy for all of us. Don’t let that be your excuse to give up. You can visualize, and create the life that you want, and the mindset needed to realize your dreams and goals. Just take the first step and start.

Manifestation style thinking, hard work and a strong focus can make miracles happen. Embracing the power of thinking big is magical. Just be sure you follow through with action and a sense of expectation and confidence that it will all come together for you.

For a great read on this topic check out this book.


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