List building

What the Heck are Chatbots?!

What the Heck are ChatbotsChatbots seem all the rage and especially Facebook Messenger Bots. Basically a chatbot is a computer software program which mimics written or spoken language to engage someone in conversation. Sometimes a customer support live chat on a site is really a bot. So no…you aren’t chatting with a live person in this case.

Facebook Messenger Bots

My focus today is on the increasingly popular Facebook Messenger Bots. Matt Wolfe of Evergreen Profits says they work like crazy in many ways and especially to help you grow your list. To quote him:

“Here are a few ways that you can grow a chatbot list:

  • Add a “Chat with us” box on your site and allow people to message you directly through Facebook.

  • Add an automated response when someone messages you naturally on Facebook.

  • Create a “keyword” that when someone types that word to your messenger, it triggers an automated message. For example: Encourage people to message you with the text, “free book” to learn more about your latest book offer.

  • Create a Facebook ad that asks people to message you to receive something free. Facebook actually has the option to start a chat with an ad instead of sending them to a website.

  • Automatically message someone on Facebook who leaves a comment on one of your page’s posts.

  • Add a PS to your broadcast emails, asking people to message you with questions. You can link straight to your messenger bot.

  • Create Facebook posts and Twitter tweets with a link to your chatbot messenger.”

Read his full post here to see his guide on using chatbots to get more engagement and sell more.

His article is very meaty and complete on how to get started with chatbots. I haven’t been using them but am very interested in many of the ideas and techniques he shares.

Are you using bots in your business?


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