Health Strategies

Coronavirus Fear Is Normal

Coronavirus FearCoronavirus Fear Is Normal

Each day more news is circulating on the latest updates and stats on Coronavirus. And it is scary. Coronavirus fear is normal. People are ill and people are dying. If you are like me and plenty of other entrepreneurs we tend to be a pretty optimistic bunch.

Pushing our fears aside and forging ahead is what we do. But this is different. This isn’t a fear of failure or an obstacle that hard work will overcome.

This type of fear brings out our worse fears of whether we can protect our loved ones.

It’s OK to feel this and acknowledge it and then be proactive with the things we can control. My husband is one of those who can’t afford to get this virus so I am being very careful to not catch it myself and give it to him.

Coronavirus Best Prevention Practices

First some updates on what to do physically:

  • The Coronavirus tends to start with a sore throat, dry cough, and fever. Stay hydrated with lots of water and gargle with salt water. This may prevent the virus from traveling into your lungs and causing pneumonia. Easy to do so just do it! You might just have a cold but do this anyway.
  • Don’t share personal items and wash hard services regularly. If one of you has to go out use sanitizer liquid and wipes on door handles and other shared items like remote controls.
  • Do avoid public places and practice social distancing to keep you and others safe as much as possible.
  • Eat the best foods you can that have plenty of phytonutrients such as fruits and leafy greens. All berries are an excellent choice.
  • Get daily exercise walking or staying in doing yoga or dance moves. Stay away from your gym or public work out rooms in your living development. Sitting all day on your computer or in front of a TV is not good for your lungs. You need to breathe deep breaths.
  • Alcohol suppresses the immune system so it’s advisable to avoid it right now. You can have the special bottle of wine after all this has passed.
  • Use meditation, reading, journals and prayer to calm you and lift your spirits. Music is great for this too.
  • Get a good nights sleep. Keep your room dark and your electronics in another room to encourage good sleep.

If you like vitamins and supplements and believe they help with colds and viruses get yourself some Vitamin C, Vitamin D-3 and perhaps try elderberry. All these may boost your immune system and I take them.

One last note. Just do your best to harness your fear, practice safe hygiene and focus on those things you can do to encourage and help others if you are healthy. Coronavirus fear is normal but you don’t have to let it take over your life!


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